Library » Peer Tutoring

Peer Tutoring


Are you interested in earning community service hours?  Helping others?  Then apply to be a tutor in the Library Peer Tutoring Program! We especially need help with all levels of math and sciences! 

Do you need a little extra help in one of your classes? Apply for tutoring help!

The AHS Library Peer Tutoring is where students are matched with other students and work during Study Hall in the library Tuesdays and Thursdays. Students need to commit to attending both days (not just drop in when you need help).

Tutoring time is NOT TO COMPLETE HOMEWORK but to receive help in understanding a subject. Ideal tutees are NOT students who are failing, but instead students who just need a little extra help fully understanding a topic.

Students are expected to attend both days a week, be on time, be prepared, and be focused on their studies. Behavior not aligned with these norms will result in students being dropped from the program.


If interested, pick up a paper application in the library and turn it in by October 18th. After this date, the next round of applications will be accepted in January.