Carolyn Bareilles » Classroom Management

Classroom Management

German/French I through V: Requirements and Policies

Herzlichst Willkommen/Bienvenue!




3-ring binder with 8 ½ x 11 inch white loose-leaf paper BRING EVERYDAY. Five dividers with tabs marked for each binder section: Vocabulary, Grammar. Culture, Reference and Assessment. Your notebook can be evaluated at any time for completeness and neatness.
Two blue or black ink pens - BRING EVERYDAY.
One pencil; one red pen; one highlighter - BRING EVERYDAY.
Suggested: a notebook pouch for materials, “white out,” hole reinforcement stickers, eventually a German-English dictionary (see me for recommendations).
Manuscript Format
  1. Use white, loose-leaf paper (no ragged edges) and write on both sides of the sheet. You may re-use the sheet until entire paper is filled.
  2. Standard font, size 12, word-processed or typed work is preferred for project writing. Verzeihung, you may not use my classroom printer to print your report.
  3. Leave a one inch margin on BOTH sides and the bottom.
  4. Put a complete heading in the upper right corner: first and last name, period, date, and assignment.
  5. Work turned in without the above may lose points: illegible work or work done in ink other than blue or black will be returned and can be resubmitted late.
  6. Understand that 5 points will be deducted from your grade if you come to class without required materials (or you can take a tardy to go to your locker or use one of your passes.)
  7. Understand that 5 points will be deducted if you lose a handout and ask me for another copy. (Notebook organization is one of our goals!).


            A. The Basics:  Courtesy and Respect (As in Germany, you reap what you sow).

No food (unless you bring enough for everyone! There will be days when I provide candy, in-class cooking opportunities, potlucks, etc.); gum is okay, by not during a presentation and not if it inhibits your German pronunciation. Water, juice, or soda must be in a metal, closed container.
No “grooming” (brushing hair, etc.) and sit up! Your desk is not a pillow.
Be respectful of differing opinions; ask questions or make comments politely.
Respect the right of classmates and myself to teach and learn from each other.
Do not do work for another class in our class unless you are given “free time.”
Wait until you are dismissed before preparing to leave for your next class.
Using the restroom – only at an appropriate time. If you have a medical condition in which it is necessary to use the restroom more often, please bring me a note from home.  Emergencies, however, happen and will be handled accordingly.
Understand that 5 points will be deducted from your grade on a third warning involving any of the above (parent/guardian contact or a disciplinary referral may also result).
Your cell phone is off and put away at all times. I will give you permission when you may use it. 

C.  Homework and Projects

Homework is defined as an assignment meant to help you review or prepare for class. It is checked for completeness at the beginning of the class and then discussed/corrected.  I may simply look at it, collect it or have students correct it in class.  Homework may never be done in class – unless I specifically give you permission. No late homework is accepted unless you have been absent.
Projects are assigned each semester. Turn in projects on time, but late work of this nature is accepted with a half-grade deduction for each day late (from an “B” to a “B-“).


D.  Absences

  1. If you absent for more than five days in a semester, I may contact your parent/guardian to help devise a plan to help you help yourself get caught up.
  2. Know how to survive an absence:
  3. call a reliable classmate for assignment and notes.
  4. before returning to class, read Google Classroom for missing assignments.
  5. turn in any work from the days you were absent as soon as possible.
  6. if you cut class, no work can be handed in or made up
  7. Tardies

On a third unexcused tardy, five points will be deducted from your grade for that tardy and each subsequent tardy.

            F.  Make-Ups

  1. Five point deductions for everything except lost handouts can be erased by coming in for 20 minutes during lunch on the Thursday closest to the date that points were lost or within two weeks. Time after school and also be served by appointment.  You must bring your German materials with you. 
  2. Quizzes and tests are made up at lunch on the Thursday closest to the date of the quiz or test (or after school by appointment).

            G.  Grading

  1. Your semester grade is based on a cumulative point system. Grades are posted every week. At the semester, your points are converted to a percentage and then to a letter grade:  A = 100-93%; A- = 92-90%; B+ = 89-87%; B = 86-83%; 82-80%; C+ = 79-77%; C = 76-73%; C- = 72-70%; D+ = 69-67%; D = 66-63%; D- = 62-60%; F=59-0%.
  2. Do your own work; cheating and/or plagiarism results in a zero on the work or an F for the entire semester (parent/guardian will be notified).

            H.  Extra Help

You are always welcome to drop in at lunch on Thursday, stop by after school or make an appointment.  I realize that foreign languages are not for everyone but I do wish to make this an enjoyable experience.  If you really need assistance quite often, please enlist the paid help of a tutor. I can suggest some upper classmen who may wish to earn some pocket money or feel free to call the World Languages and Cultures office at HSU for a list of available student tutors 826-3226.