Jeff Mielke » Course Descriptions

Course Descriptions

World History: "The tenth-grade course covers a period of more than 250 years and highlights the intensification of a truly global history as people, products, diseases, knowledge, and ideas spread around the world as never before. The course begins with a turning point: the important transition in European systems of governance from divine monarchy to a modern definition of a nation-state organized around principles of the Enlightenment. The course ends with the present, providing ample opportunities for teachers to make connections to the globalized world in which students live."
American Government: "Students consider the role of and necessity for government as they think about How much power should government have over its citizens? They consider how government can attain goals sanctioned by the majority while protecting its citizens from the abuse of power by asking What are the trade-offs between majority rule and the protection of individual rights? They will review and expand their knowledge of the key elements of a representative form of democracy, such as the idea that the authority to govern resides in its citizens."