Teacher Librarian

What is a Teacher Librarian?
A Californian qualified teacher librarian is defined as a person who holds a California teaching credential and higher education in librarianship, often in the form of a Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS). Teacher librarians utilize their curriculum knowledge and pedagogy to support and enhance their library and information management skills.
Teacher librarians support and implement the vision of their school communities through advocating and building effective library and information services that contribute to the success of all students. Media and information literacy and reading literacy are a main focus of the teacher librarian.
Several long term studies show that credentialed teacher librarians have a direct correlation to student achievement (ie. reading and writing literacy levels and graduation rates) across all levels and types of schools. See Why school librarians matter: What years of research tell us |
YouTube: Does Your School Have A Teacher-Librarians (A CSLA Film)
YouTube: Principals Know: School Librarians are the Heart of the School
YouTube: What Do School Librarians Actually Do?
YouTube: The 21st Century Media Center Program
- THE NONNEGOTIABLE ROLE OF SCHOOL LIBRARIANS by National Association of Secondary School Principals
- Ten Ways Teacher Librarians Improve Literacy in Schools
- Northern Humboldt Union High School District Teacher Librarian Observation Report Criteria
- Northern Humboldt Union High School District Teacher Librarian Position Statement During COVID Pandemic
Teacher Librarians as curriculum leaders
- work with administrators and staff to ensure information literacy outcomes are a major school focus;
- are involved in curriculum planning and school curriculum committees;
- raise staff awareness of the need for students to acquire information skills and of the importance of resource-based learning in developing these skills;
- promote the use of the information process as a framework for the development of information skills and as the basis for systematic monitoring of students' development as information users;
- plan, teach and evaluate collaboratively with teachers to ensure the effective integration of information resources and technologies into student learning;
- maintain literacy as a high priority, engaging students in reading, viewing and listening for understanding and enjoyment;
- provide additional assistance to students with particular learning needs or abilities, and to students for whom social justice considerations apply;
- involve students in the operation of the information center to contribute to their understanding of the role of educational information services in lifelong learning and reading.
Teacher Librarians as information specialists
- provide access to information resources through efficient and well-guided systems for organizing, retrieving and circulating resources;
- provide training and assistance to students and staff in the effective use of these systems;
- interpret information systems and technologies for students and teachers in the context of curriculum programs;
- provide specialist assistance to students using technology and information resources in and beyond the school and for independent research;
- provide specialist assistance to students using the school information service facility for independent reading, viewing and listening.
Teacher Librarians as information services managers
- develop and implement strategies for evaluating the resource collection and for determining curriculum and student needs within the context of identified school priorities;
- develop policies, procedures and criteria for selecting resources which meet curriculum, informational and student recreational needs;
- develop information systems and services responsive to student and teacher needs;
- ensure that the day-to-day administration of the school information center is efficient and that systems, resources and equipment are well maintained;
- develop budget estimates to ensure that teaching and learning requirements are met;
- provide a stimulating, helpful environment which is a focal point and showcase for students' learning achievements;
- promote the effective use of resources and information sources, systems and services both within and beyond the school.